
Financial management is one area of modern life that, due to the system in which we live, tends to become easily disordered.





8 Lessons

Financial management is one area of modern life that, due to the system in which we live, tends to become easily disordered.

In general, the Church and Christian families have also fallen into the various problems that finances bring, many times causing more shame and reproach to the name of the Lord. This is one of the reasons why the Church often avoids touching on this topic, and many also believe that this is a worldly topic.

While it is true that the teaching on financial management is related to earthly matters, as human beings, we tend to have great weaknesses in this area, which, if we do not conquer them, will cause us to continue being fleshly for the rest of our lives. Financial management can open the door to many of God’s blessings, or it can be one of the main obstacles to the Holy Spirit’s complete work in us.

Pastor Marvin Byers


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