I and II Corinthians

The city of Corinth was near a harbor and was known for being a place without restraint and involved in immorality. Besides this, it was a place in which the rich were accustomed to luxuries and riches, but more than half the population was enslaved to the affluent of the city. Due to this city’s background, the church that was founded by Paul had been influenced by it and had fallen in the faults that needed the pastor’s correction.



I and II Corinthians – 2013

Consecutive Translation

8 Lessons

 The city of Corinth was near a harbor and was known for being a place without restraint and involved in immorality. Besides this, it was a place in which the rich were accustomed to luxuries and riches, but more than half the population was enslaved to the affluent of the city. Due to this city’s background, the church that was founded by Paul had been influenced by it and had fallen in the faults that needed the pastor’s correction. For this reason, in the first letter, Paul admonishes and corrects their problems, and in the second, as he receives a good report of their response to the discipline, he manifests joy. Human nature 2000 years ago was as bad as it is in the 21st century. Therefore, the message in these letters is as current today as it was then, and applies to each of our lives.

Pastor Jerry Alway

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I and II Corinthians