Restoring Biblical Betrothal

What does the Bible say about dating, courtship and marriage? This book provides and in depth study on these subjects.



Restoring Biblical Betrothal

Setting young couples free to enjoy what God has provided. After all these centuries since the time of Christ, could it be that the Church has actually fallen away from the biblical pattern for courtship and marriage? That’s the shocking topic Marvin Byers examines in this unprecedented book. He shows that neither premarital sex nor total abstinence before living together as man and wife are God’s choices for Christian couples. The author’s research was birthed out of the belief that there must be a better way for courting and marriage than the current Church models. His conclusion? That the Church’s understanding of God’s ways regarding courtship and marriage has been incomplete, and needs to be changed. As you read this book, get ready to challenge your thinking on how our young couples should biblically interact during the crucial time of courtship and marriage!

  • Author: Marvin Byers
  • Language: English
  • Format: Printed
  • Weight (lbs): 0.7
  • Clasification: Christian life
  • ISBN: 1-59352-036-0
  • Pages: 140

Additional information

Weight 0.5 oz
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.5 in


Restoring Biblical Betrothal

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